Howdy, I’m back again again again….

After completing COME HOME INDIO I’ve sunk into a funk of trying to get the will to work back and achieving that in fits and starts. Needless to say the monotony of living an isolated and masked existence is not helping the creative energies. That being said, I’ve still been productive and things have still been happening in spite of me.

The book is out! I hope some of you have read it and connected with it in some way by now, I welcome your thoughts on it. I recently spoke to Allison Stewart at ALL OF IT NYC and you can listen to it here:

I also hung out with the folks at QUIMBY’S BOOKSTORE in Chicago for a virtual book release! You can check that out here:

In the meanwhile I participated in “Drawlloween” for Inktober, creating 31 ink illustrations that are now up for sale on my bigcartel site for anyone interested, you can find that here:

Oh yes, I also was lucky enough to be included in Marvel Voices: Indigenous Voices #1! I did that cover and am honored to have been asked and to be in the company of so many incredible Indigenous artists. Wow.

I have some other things brewing that are kind of exciting but of course there are NO SHOWS to talk about. I’ll try and hop on here and let y’all know if I’ll be popping up on someone’s computer screen or podcast, like when I did the HOUSE OF X podcast, which you can find here:

Okay I’m going to try and get back to work, I’m currently signing/illustrating some bookplates for an event in Milwaukee with LION’S TOOTH in December. They will be including INDIO in their ordering list with exclusive plates to anyone who would like to order from them.

I believe QUIMBY’S still has some bookplated copies left, if anyone in CHICAGO feels like stopping by one of the best book stores in the city.

I’d better get back to work, stay well!

