New Year on the horizon

Well, the time is here, where I’m going to pretend that I’m going to change a lot of the ways I live.

That’s not entirely true, I actually like my life and I’m pretty happy with who I am these days…

Okay that’s not entirely true either. Last few years have been a bit tumultuous and though I’ve made a point of creating as much art as possible, I’ve spent a fair amount of time getting lost in movies and books and not enough time hustling and moving forward. I’ve managed to get good work done this year, but nobody has really seen it. That’ll change in 2019.

There are interesting things on the horizon, and I hope I’ll be able to share some of it with you soon. I’ll let you know as things progress. In the meanwhile I’ve taken steps toward making my art easier to buy! No more “do you sell your art?” I DO! And now you can find a rotating selection of work at




Ha ha! Okay so have a safe and happy new year, and keep your eyes peeled because I’ll be busier than a bee this next year and I hope you’ll stick with me for the ride.